Saturday, February 28, 2009
3 Weeks PS - the Weekend
Now today I feel great! And it was a great day! First we got to go on the BIG bed this morning. The Treat Lady helped Cassidy up and the Boss picked me up. Cassidy always goes to the foot of the bed and lays down nicely. I always go up by the pillows and try to get as close as I can to the Treat Lady or the Boss. They can rub my belly easier when I do that.
Then the Boss took me to the pet store, but not Cassidy. You know one of those big stores where they let the most important pack members walk around with their bosses. Lots of people stopped to say hello to me and tell me how pretty I am. I guess I can deal with that. It was great until we came face-to-face with the biggest dog I have ever seen. He was a Great Dane whose head was at the same height as the Boss' shoulder. He was even bigger than my cousin Bear (a Newfy). I wanted to say hello but the Boss wouldn't let me.
While we were there I got some new chew bones. I got to pick them out by sniffing the packages. I picked out a beef and a chicken flavored bone. Both are for me. Cassidy can chew on the old ones at home.
When I got home, Cassidy was just coming back from a walk in the frozen woods. Somehow she managed to get really dirty even though everything is covered in ice here. The Boss has set up a big tub for us on the floor in the mud room. Now when we come in the house we have to dip our feet to clean them off. I don't really like it but Cassidy really hates it. Poor Cassidy, boo hoo!
Today we also got our pawdi pawdi. That's what Cassidy calls it. That is so she can be just like the Girl who gets a mani pedi. If you have to ask, you're probably a guy. Ask a girl near you what it is.
Then we got to play the Find the Cheese game. We haven't played that in forever! I LOVE Find the Cheese! The Treat Lady took pieces of cheese and hid them all around in the family room while Cassidy and I had to wait in the kitchen (I tried to peek like I always do). Then the Treat Lady said "OK, find the cheese!" We went piling into the family room to sniff out the cheese and eat them. Cassidy snorted really loud while she was sniffing around but I didn't. Usually we play a couple of times, but we only got to play once today. Oh well, at least the treats are flowing again.
Now I have to hide the camera so that Cassidy doesn't play with it any more like this. She needs to be supervised better.
Time to go take a nap.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Rehab 101 - At the Vet
At the vet they of course wanted to weigh me again. This time I'm surprised I even registered on their scale. I haven't eaten anything good since the last time I came here. When the lady said I had lost almost 5 lbs in a week I wasn't shocked. First off, I was holding water last time I came in. Secondly, the Treat Lady has been gone and the Boss barely gave me anything to eat. I probably could have won the "Biggest Loser" title this week.
The best thing at the vet was that they finally took out all the staples in my knee. All 22 of them were clipped off. It left a whole bunch of little holes in my leg. They almost weren't going to let me do my water therapy. They said the holes were too big. The Boss told them it was ok so we did it anyway.
The water therapy was pretty scary. First there was the ride down the elevator. Boy it is hard to hold on when the floor drops out from under you. Then we were in the exercise room. It smelled funny. It had a squishy rubber floor and there was all kinds of things to jump over. We didn't spend much time there but went into the back room where there was an underwater treadmill. Sounds cool doesn't it. Well it's not. It's a bit spooky. I tried not to go into the tank but the Boss went in with me so I had to go. It didn't have any water in it at first and you could walk up the ramp and in through the door. I tried not to let the Boss out by leaning on him really hard but it didn't work.
After the Boss got out they closed the door and the whole room started to fill with water. It was warm and the thing made a lot of noise. They filled it up to my shoulders and then the floor started to move. I couldn't get out and the Boss kept telling me to "come" so I had to walk. First it was really really slow. It was much easier when they made it go faster. I was in there for about 5 minutes. While I was in we made this music video. Hope you like it.
Time to go take a nap or see if the Treat Lady has anything good to eat.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Back to the Vet
The Treat Lady came home last night too. We could tell she was coming because the Boss was making us stay out of the way while he vacuumed and picked up the house. We spent a lot of time on the stairs just like this.
We did get to go to the airport to pick her up. I almost fell over wagging my tail in the back of the truck when we saw her. She didn't have any treats with her at the airport but when we got home she gave us some. It is really good to see her again.
I was also going to tell you about my trip to the vet today but I am really tired. I'll tell you tomorrow. Till then, here's a picture of my cousins from a long time ago.
I need to take a nap.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Weekend - Snow !!!
The only thing better than playing in deep snow is swimming in a mucky lake. It was fantastic outside today with the deep snow and the sun and so many good smells. We were outside for a very looooong time today. I still have to be on my leash but the Boss is letting me move around a lot more. Cassidy would go running ahead and then come running back and then go running ahead and then come running back. She did this for the whole time we were out today. We got exhausted.
Here she is running back all smiles. Cassidy sure is a lucky dog.
I feel like I could run like her now if only in a straight line. I am almost moving normally again. Every once in a while my knee flops out to the side. It is still not that stable but it feels good. Better than it did before my surgery that's for sure.
Cassidy and I got to follow fox tracks in the snow for a ways. They went right through our backyard and up towards the woods. I still can't go in the woods. Too slippery I guess. The smells were really good today. Cassidy sounded just like a pig snorting around. I got a few good snuffs in too.
When we got back in the house we had to take a serious nap. I don't think we woke up until it was time to eat again. OK, everytime I wake up it's time to eat. I just don't get fed evertime it is time if you know what I mean. The Boss also now lets me walk around in the kitchen where they keep all the food. He doesn't give me treats like the Treat Lady but we did get Busybone today. I saw the Boss cutting it in half just before he yelled a bad word and went running for a bandage. I wonder what that was about.
We had to go in our crates to get our Busybones. We couldn't find them because they're still in the wrong room. I hope he moves our crates back soon.
I also get to stand under the cutting board again. When the Boss is making something I always stand right there and catch stuff for him. Sometimes he says it's his but other times I get to keep it.
While I was standing there the Girl came home. She was all: "PUPPIES!!! HOW ARE YOU???" I almost fell down I was wagging my tail so hard. Cassidy picked up her bone and kept going "rrrrghrrrrggghhrrghghrrhhh". That's how Cassidy barks. She's such a dope.
The Girl gave us treats like bread and bananas and more bread. She even snuck me some meat from her dinner when the Boss was out of the room. She gave some to Cassidy first. Actually the Boss gave me some banana. I wonder why he did that?
Now we're just laying on the floor with the Girl. I hope I get another belly rub.
P.S. I was so busy today I forgot to play with Pooh. Here is a picture of him for the Treat Lady.
It's time to take a nap or see if the Girl will give me another treat.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
2 weeks plus 1 - Startin' the Weekend
We went out one at a time again today. I got to go first. The Boss took me through the park and let me jog a little on the long leash. It was fun to bury my head and snort in the snow. Lots of good smells from the bunnies, coyotes, turkeys and skunks we have around here.
I was out for about ten minutes and wore myself out slugging through the snow and rolling around in it. Next it was Cassidy's turn. I heard the Boss say the "woods" word. Cassidy sure is a lucky dog.
They were gone a really loooong time. Cassidy was bragging about how nice it was and how much she got to run. She showed me some of the pictures from her walk too.
See how much snow is coming down. It was coming sideways for quite a while.
Of course I knew they were going in the woods without me and playing in the snow. Pooh had a little trouble dealing with it. I guess he has to go back to the emergency room for a while. Good thing I have two Poohs.
Later in the afternoon we went outside again to help with the snow shoveling. The ramp was gone from the front steps. The Boss must have decided I didn't need it anymore after jumping up and down the steps this morning. I told him yesterday that I was all better. I'm glad he didn't give me another of those special treats again. I really enjoyed all the snow. Now I'm really tired and my knee aches a little. I found big Pooh on the desk and grabbed him for a little bit.
Now I'm sure it's time to take a nap.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Two weeks to the day - I'm all better!
Here is a picture of my buddy Pooh. This is especially for the Treat Lady!
I got up this morning and my knee was all healed. I put my front paws up on the bed to tell the Boss and he told me to go back to sleep. When we finally got up I told him I was fine now. I started to run down the hall and he yells at me to slow down. I started to run down the stairs and he yells to stop. At the bottom of the stairs I ran for Cassidy's elephant and he yells at me to slow down. Even though I'm better he still put me on the leash to go outside this morning. While we were out, I tried to tell him again. I started to run after Cassidy. She looked startled at how fast I can move. Too bad the Boss had a good hold of me. I could have grabbed her good.
When we came inside it was back to our prison in the family room. But now since my knee is better I was looking forward to wrestling and chasing Cassidy around today. First of course we had to eat. The Boss now puts my food on a big metal sheet. It takes me as long as Cassidy now to eat. I have to pick up each little piece of food. No more just sticking my schnozzle in the dish and inhaling.
After eating the Boss gave us some bread treats. Just like the Treat Lady does. I got two and Cassidy got one. Boo hoo Cassidy. I picked up her elephant and made her chase me around the room. Then the Boss came back and gave me another treat. This one tasted different. Okay, it didn't really taste different. I have no idea what things taste like. I just swallow them. But this one was different. I had never had anything like it before. It smelled like bread though.
Then the Boss made us go in our crates. I told him I didn't have to because I was all better! Why is he so dopey today? Usually he understands everything I tell him. Maybe he is just stubborn like Cassidy.
I was laying down in my crate for a while until the Boss came back. He let me out and I could barely stand up. The whole room was spinning so I went to lay down on my bed. Wow was that a weird feeling.
I could swear that I saw Pooh working on the computer. Also when I looked at Cassidy she looked like a mama Smurf. I just had to go back to sleep. All my legs were wobbly now.
When the Boss got home from work I was feeling more like myself again. I slept the whole day without getting up or walking around. Who knows what Cassidy was doing all day. Probably playing with my Pooh. Lucky dog.
Well now that my leg is all better I'll bet I get to go in the woods tonight or maybe tomorrow. I can't wait.
Right now though it's time to eat I think or take a nap.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
2nd Week locked up
I cannot believe that they took me to the vet again. I was good all day on Monday. I didn't unstuff any Poohs. I begged for food like I'm supposed to and I only sat on Cassidy 3 or maybe 6 times. They still took me to the vet. I heard the Boss and Treat Lady talking about my wobbly knee. Even Cassidy was teasing me about it. Maybe that was why I had to go.
I remembered the place as we were driving up. The big parking lot and fancy building were scary. There were a lot of really good smells outside. The Boss wouldn't let me stay out though. He dragged me in and made me stand on the scale. I gained a little weight they said. I tried to tell them that I had just had a drink and was retaining water but they wrote it down anyway.
The smiley girl there is always nice. She just pets me and talks to me most of the time. While she was talking to me the vet stuck me with a needle. He says he was draining some fluid out of my knee. I think he was just trying to make me stay there again. When he was done sticking me and messing with my leg I went and hid under the Boss' legs. I had to come out though when the vet offered me a liver treat. The vet then was telling the Boss that my leg was fine but I had to stay more calm. He also said I have to keep the weight off. I tried to explain again that it was water weight. He didn't listen. It's probably because I can't talk. He said it was treat weight and that I just had to eat less. What does he know! They sent us home with some more antibiotics since he drained my knee and he also gave the Boss some new treats called Doggy Downers. Can't wait for those!
Meals now are so small that I finish mine before Cassidy even gets her dish. I am not exaggerating. There is almost nothing there. Four breaths and I can inhale the entire thing. Who needs to chew! The Boss doesn't give me any treats at all. Not even the new ones from the vet. I am sure happy to see the Treat Lady when she comes home. She tells me not to run in circles when I see her but it is really hard not to. I know she will give me something good like bread or cheese or garlic toast or bananas or peanut butter or carrots or steak or pizza or even dog biscuits. It's all good!!! I hope she never goes away for a while. I'll waste away.
Cassidy is looking tired now. Must be from all those long walks she gets to take. She disappears with the Treat Lady for almost an hour and comes back smelling like woods and rabbits and deer. She sure is a lucky dog.
Well it's time to eat I think (or not). I'll just take a nap.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The weekend - One week PS
So Rooney is in his crate and the Boss left his laptop out while he's eating dinner in the kitchen. Finally I get to tell you what's going on around here!
Rooney is just a big baby. He always wants to be a part of the pack. He barks when he's in his crate, he whines at the window when I go for long walks in the woods with the Treat Lady and he still thinks that every time somebody eats something he should get a bite. Today I was laying on the floor in the kitchen, minding my own business with my elephant. All of a sudden Rooney gets up from his bed and wobbles over to me and just pulls my elephant out of my mouth and walks away. He takes it over to the Treat Lady and drops it at her feet. Then he comes back over to my bed and lays down leaning against me. He is so bossy. I'll bet he dreams about being the alpha dog in our pack. I'm surprised he didn't have that in his silly dreams he wrote about last week.
I wish he would wrestle more though. I try to wrestle with the Boss but he just pushes me down in the snow. Rooney at least used to chase me first. I have tried jumping over Rooney and teasing him with a pine cone, but he still won't play chase. Maybe tomorrow I'll steal his Pooh from him and run out the door. That should get him to run after me. At least the Treat Lady takes me for really long walks. Today I ditched her in the woods and found all kinds of good things to eat. I found another Lab and two other really fast dogs in the woods too. We were chasing each other all over the place. That was great! Some man who was with the Lab then grabbed my collar and called the phone number on it. I heard him talking to the Boss. I guess they know each other. Just then the Treat Lady came over the hill and I had to walk on the leash after that. It was OK though. I was tired from running and my belly was full of chips.
What I really like to do is recline on the sofa and make faces at Rooney. I stretch all out on my back and make noises so that he has to look up and see me there. He never gets to go on the sofa. I get to go on it with the Treat Lady and the Girl, but not the Boss. The Boss always tells me "off". He has a scary voice so I jump down right away. I make sure that I don't go up there when he is in the room unless the Treat Lady tells me it's OK by patting the sofa next to her.
Yikes! Rooney is out of his crate and coming over here fast. He has the camera too. I better run!
Ha, Cassidy thinks she can write in my blog. I stopped her by sitting on her. If I could I would erase what she put down, but I don't know how. She's not all bad. Her breath is good because it smells like deer poop. I can tell she got some good treats in the woods today. I knew she went there. Both her and the Treat lady smelled like the woods when they came home. Cassidy sure is a lucky dog.
Here's a picture I took of Cassidy watching TV. This is her best side. If I knew how to crop pictures, I'd get my paw out of there. It is very hard to hold these little digital cameras without opposable thumbs.
A really good thing happened today. The Girl came home for a little while. We got to lay on the floor with her and she gave us the cheese off her pizza. She always gives me loooong belly rubs. She's nice. Her teeth looked really clean!
Well it's time to eat I think or take a nap.
Friday, February 13, 2009
One Week After Surgery
His knee is looking fine. The staples are holding and the swelling is down to almost nothing. His fur is growing back quickly and the bruises are diminished. He has good range of motion in his knee but the joint is really loose side to side. He stands on his leg and as he moves it bows out a bit. We'll take him in again on Monday to get this checked out. Hopefully he won't need any additional repairs.
The pain patch on his back came off on Tuesday. It must have really irritated that spot because it is very sensitive to the touch. He is always trying to scratch it and if you touch it, he jerks his head around to stop you.
Rooney really wants to run. Cassidy will come charging over to him and Rooney will pound his front paws on the ground challenging Cassidy to run. Previously this dance would end up with the two of them tearing around the yard, zig zagging through the trees at top speed. Now he strains at the leash as Cassidy scampers away.
He is sitting at my feet right now, chomping on his action figure Pooh (the one with ears) resigned to his restrictions. I'll probably carry him upstairs tonight so he can sleep in his regular spot for the first time since having his surgery.
If you were looking for a note from Bruce (Bruce Wayne Rooney), I'm sure he'll be back tomorrow. Cassidy was chewing on the keyboard, so maybe we'll hear from her too.
I'm going to take a nap.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Day Six PS - Hangin' with Pooh
Tonight Cassidy got to go for a long walk and I only got to go for a short walk. I was not happy. And the Treat Lady still does not let me run at all! So when I went inside, I wanted one of my Pooh bears for a little comfort.
See, I have two Poohs, my stripped down version and my newer, bigger Pooh, who still has ears and his red top:
Here is a video of me in action with one of my Poohs:
The Treat Lady says I'm like a baby with a pacifier. The Boss says I'm like a kid playing with an action figure. I just know I like my Poohs.
But sometimes I get I little carried away and all of a sudden there's a big pile of stuffing on the ground. Then Pooh has to go to the emergency room. Sometimes the emergency room is a little slow doing the restuffing and stitching and that's why it's a good idea to have an extra Pooh.
Plus, sometimes the Treat Lady throws one or both of the Poohs in the washer. I keep trying to tell her that a washed and dried Pooh has kind of a funny taste. It's much better with dried slobber, random germs, dog hair, notes of grass, and a hint of deer turd.
And even that Prima Donna Cassidy knows not to mess with my Poohs. She has a dumb elephant instead. She's not always a lucky dog.
Well it's time to eat I think or take a nap.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Day Five PS - Crate Day Two
I was in my crate again today, but at least it has an upside. The Treat Lady has been very generous with treats lately, I think she feels bad for leaving me in there all day. Or maybe she's finally noticed how skinny I am! Today I got some more bacon beggin' strips, some cheese pieces and a few Quaker Oat Squares. And of course the bread that she wraps my special treats from the vet in. Sometimes I "accidentally" spit out the pill part, then she has to give me more bread! I also got to take a walk on the path to the woods today, that's the path that lots of deer run on, so there are lots of yummy chocolate chips on it. (If you have to ask what those are you're not a dog) When I'm on the leash like I was today, I have to pretend to just sniff, but I know how to grab a few chip treats very quickly.
Valentines Day this weekend. Here's what we did for the Treat Lady last year. I'm not going to be able to get her anything this year if I'm stuck in my crate!
Well it's time to eat I think or take a nap.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Day Four PS - Breakin' Out
I watched them walk across the street. That wasn’t fair! She only closed the screen door so I pushed against it. It opened! They were out of my sight but I was pretty sure where they were. I
The Treat Lady went upstairs. I didn't want to be by myself so I put my head down and pushed the chairs away from one entrance. Once in the kitchen where they keep all the food, I sniffed around a bit then thought maybe I would find a stray kleenex or a dirty sock upstairs, so I bounded up. When I went in the bathroom, the Treat Lady looked very surprised, then she seemed mad. She went and got the sling and helped me go back down the stairs. She kept saying "No stairs Rooney!" and then she put me in the crate. Well, at least she gave me my Pooh bear and a bacon beggin’ strip (yum). I heard her on the phone, I think she was talking to the vet. Then she said, "Sedatives? Hmm, I don’t know, I put him in his crate for now." I’m not sure what a sedative is, that’s not a word I know. I hope it’s some kind of treat. Anyway, then she had to go to work and I was in my crate until she came home. Well, she didn’t seem too mad at me, because she fed me, took me for another walk, wiped me off again, gave me a few more treats, then let me nap on my bed in the kitchen.
Here is a picture of Prima Donna Cassidy watching me on the floor. She always gets to go on the couch.
They did catch her sneaking out of the family room the other day too. Here is the picture from the security camera.
Well it's time to eat I think or take a nap.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Day Three PS - Dreamin'
Cassidy escaped from the family room this morning. She somehow slid her little body under the legs of the chairs that block the door and went upstairs to sleep. Even as skinny as I am now I can't fit under there. She is so lucky.
I spent a lot of time looking out the big window but it was boring. There were no birds or bunnies to watch. I finally decided to take another nap and had some goooood dreams . . . . . . .
First I was dreaming that I had a wrestling match with Cassidy in the ditch. Boy was that fun. We got really muddy.
Then I was dreaming that we got to go swimming. I was diving for tennis balls while Cassidy ran around the pool.
All that swimming made me thirsty so I got up for a drink of water from my nap. Then I went back to nap some more. This time I dreamed about running in the field across the street. No sling, no leash and a full belly. Boy was that fun!!!
It all had to end though. Back to the reality of my family room prison. I did get to go out a few times today. The boss made me use the sling again. Here is a picture of me in my sling. There was another dog out there when we went out. She didn't have a sling on. I checked.
Well it's time to eat I think or take a nap.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sunday - the Second day after my Surgery
Yep, I said my surgery! I finally feel good enough to write for myself. I have overcome the drug induced fog that made me even more dopey for the last day and a half.
Last night I slept in the family room with one of my pack leaders. We also call her the Treat Lady. We had an airbed but ended up on the floor when the bed lost its air. Not sure if I did that. There were two holes in the corner that looked like somebody bit it. Probably Cassidy.
I am able to put my foot down on the ground. I pretend to walk on it and then I hold it up again. I'm not supposed to be able to do that for a couple of days but the Vet doesn't know me that well. They don't let me off the leash at all and I have to use a sling to go in and out of the house. I guess that is so I don't fall down. I like to sniff around the yard and I pull the boss all over the place. He won't let me go very far though.
I think the worst thing so far has been having to go a whole day without food. I didn't eat anything from Thursday night until Saturday morning!!! Can't they see that my ribs are sticking out!! (Here you can see me watching Cassidy get taken for a walk in the woods. Lucky dog! See how skinny I am!)
I have lost all the weight that I can.
They should just let me at the food bin and then I wouldn't have to hoover up my food so quick when they give me my little dish.
The second worst thing is that they don't let me in the kitchen on the slippery floors where they keep all the food. I hear the bread drawer open and I can't get there! I got a piece of banana today and lots of cheese snacks when I do my PT (that's Physical Therapy). Still doesn't make me feel full.
There are some good things though. The other girl in our pack came home today. It was great to see her. I laid down next to her and she rubbed my belly for a loooong time. It was super until stupid Cassidy sat on my head. She is such a Prima Donna.
I also get to watch lot of soccer. Good EPL games on. Too bad Wayne isn't playing ( you know, Wayne Rooney). I hear his leg is bad too.
I'm sure glad I got my Pooh Bear back. I've got to go take another nap now.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Some Pictures of Rooney's knee
The second picture is of Rooney's front leg where they inserted his IV. Some of the drugs he received in surgery were: Cefazolin, Bupivacaine, Morphine Sulfate, Fentanyl Cit, Ketamine/SA and Lidocaine.
Rooney now is on three different prescriptions. He has a Fentanyl patch on his back as you can see here. He is also taking Cephalexin as an antibiotic and is taking Deramaxx as an anti-inflammatory.
Day after surgery
Rooney had his surgery completed by about 6:00 PM yesterday. That had to be a long day of waiting for him without any food. Anyone who knows Labs knows that they live to eat. The vet called us about 7:30 PM to say that all had gone well and that Rooney was resting on a cot with a blanket over him and with a heater too. He was a little chilled but doing very well.
We picked him up this morning and now he's home and living in the family room. The wood floors in the rest of the house are too slippery for him and there is no way he'd survive in his crate constantly. Here is the poor boy sleeping in front of the tv.
Friday, February 6, 2009
The day of his surgery
Rooney goes in for surgery this morning. He has not had anything to eat for breakfast and just does not understand why his routine has changed. He is hungry and following me everywhere hoping that his food will show up soon.
I snapped a picture of him just before heading out to the Vet. He has no idea what is in store for him today.
I took Rooney into the Vet at around 7:30 this morning. When we arrived he seemed to remember his last visit when they did his blood workup in preparation for today. He was hesitant to go in but didn't give me too much trouble. Just a bit skittish on the scale again. There were a number of dogs getting their knees repaired today. I saw a Newfie, a Great Dane and another very large mixed breed dog being admitted this morning. Rooney is number 5 on the schedule today. It takes about 70 minutes for each surgery so it could be a long wait for him. No toys allowed with him at the vet so his Pooh bear had to come back home with me.