Thursday, August 6, 2009


Unbelievable! The Boss really did say come down for a treat.

I guess the the Boss must be missing the Girl and the Treat Lady too. It seems that he has mostly been eating peanut butter toast for the last week. (He actually is looking a little skinnier too.)

The Boss finished off two jars of peanut butter and gave them to us tonight as a treat. Here you can see the proof for yourself. Cassidy took hers in her crate. Like I'm going to try to take the little jar away from her when I have the big crunchy jar.

Then we got to go outside and chase frogs and go swimming and play tag and go for another walk and get dried off and get brushed and play tag.... it was a great night!

Time to go take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the Boss is giving you treats! Next time I see you at Grandma's I will slip you some treats too!
