Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer is Here! - well again almost (CP)

So the Entire Family was busy playing lately so I have to write the blog. Yes, this is Pooh writing today. The Entire Family calls me New Pooh but I like to call myself CP (Cool Pooh)! Old Pooh is resting and Big Pooh is in the hospital emergency room.
Rooney and The Boy doing some synchronized jumping
It started out as a normal, almost summer day with the Entire Family getting some chores done around the house before they started to play in the pool.

The Raccoon Princess
Here is Cassidy, the Princess, pretending she is a raccoon washing her pine cones in the pool before chewing them up. I hope she doesn't eat the whole thing today. Sometimes she even wakes me up in the middle of the night when she horks them back up.

Here is what the wild dogs do when they get tired of swimming. The Girl blew up the raft for them so they could float around the pool. I would never get on that thing with them. I would get wet and when I get wet I can't hold up my head.

All was going well until Cassidy decided she wanted to give me horsey rides around the pool.

Next thing you know they are playing save New Pooh (I mean CP)! I did not want to get wet, but nobody was listening to me.

Rooney copying the classic "Butch Saving Ken" masterpiece

So now I am soaked and Rooney is confused. I have trouble breathing when my head is full of water.

Rooney the big dope thinks that chewing on my arm will help me get the water out.

Rooney finally figures out the correct way to do CPR.
(yep, Cool Pooh Resuscitation)

As you can see here I have a lot of trouble when I'm this wet.

My neck is as weak as the Treat Lady's on a roller coaster.
(I heard that one from The Boy.)

I keep smiling though because that's all I know how to do. Finally The Girl picks me up, dusts me off and sets me up to dry out a bit. By this time the wild dogs are off to eat dinner. They'll forget about me for a while. Hopefully they can find Silly Elephant or even Old Pooh and let me be. CP signing out.

Where's The Boss with my Evian?
(I hope he doesn't read this!)


  1. Poor CP! At least he has his stuffing. Lovey Bear has a half decapitated head!
