Monday, March 2, 2009

Back to Rehab 3 weeks PS

I love it when my friends write to me. I got a note from my cousin Hank and another from my neighbor Buddy. Good to hear that you guys aren't in lock down like me. I even got to see my neighbor Buddy out by the mailbox. I was trying to say hello and then he ran away from me and had to go in the kitchen.

It sure was cold out again today. It would be nice if it either warmed up or if we had more snow. I slipped on the ice when I was out walking. Nothing major. It just startled me a little. I sure am glad I didn't hurt anything.

I had to go in for PT today too. This was my second time. Everything was great until I had to go in that elevator again. That thing just gives me the creeps. I am convinced somebody bought the farm in there. It smells funny and it makes my stomach feel really weird.

When we got out of the elevator I remembered the squishy floor and pulled the Boss over to the tank room. When Therapy Girl opened the door to the tank I walked right in and then had to wait while the room filled with water. This is more fun than slipping around on the ice. The water is nice and warm too.

I know you want to see it so here is my new MV. (That's music video. I'm going to get on MTV soon.)

They doubled my time in the tank from my last session. Therapy Girl said that was unusual but I was doing so good she wasn't worried. The blue bumpers on the sides keep me walking straight ahead instead of wandering side to side. Therapy Girl also said I am doing better than the other dogs that had surgery the same day as me. I am beating the Golden Retriever, the Bull dog, the Burmese Mountain dog and the Chocolate Labs too. Nobody is looking as strong as I am. I also don't limp at all. I'm number one!

When I got home the Treat Lady gave me lots of treats before she took Cassidy for a long walk. Cassidy sure is a lucky dog.

Well I'm going to go stare at the treat jar for a while. The Treat Lady falls for this every time. After that I'll go take a nap.


  1. Dear Rooney, Red and I are diggin' your music video! We have shown it to all the cats and dogs in the neighborhood and they love it too. One dog said he is going to try to hurt his knee so he can make a video too. You are number one! Just keep looking sad at your boss and the treatlady, that's what we do when we want more treats. And it works! Our boss is not always the smartest, she has been trying to sneak yucky tasting pills into my food but I just run upstairs when I see her do this. Keep on Truckin' Cousin! Hank and Red

  2. Dear Rooney,
    Today is March 4 and I don't see an update to your story. I need my fill of a new Rooney blog and a laugh! Get typing!
    Henry and Red

  3. I'm sorry I ran away - again. I guess I failed working and playing well with neighbors. :( They say you can teach an old dog new tricks, but I doubt it. Can you shrink to my size? Maybe that'd help. You're so lucky to have your own music video. Be careful of Fred's taunts, ok. See you soon - from the window.

  4. Dear Rooney, I just posted your music video on YouTube. You are awesome!
